Week Two Tutorial

Strings in Java
StringBuffer & StringBuilder ← Back Week One Tutorial Goto Week Three Tutorial→
OOPS in Java
Classes & Objects
Methods in Java
Inheritance in Java
Strings in Java

A group of characters are called 'Strings'. For example, in a bank, there are credit card numbers, names, and addresses etc. which all are strings. String is an object of String class from the java.lang package. There are three ways to create strings in Java Programming: We can assign a group of characters to a string type variable. Here JVM creates an object and stores string "David" into that object.

String name="David";
We can use 'new' operator to create an object to String class and store String 'David' into that object as follows:
String name= new String("David");
Third way of creating strings is converting characters arrays into strings as follows:
char ch[]={'D', 'a', 'v', 'i', 'd'}
String name= new String(ch);
Now the String object ch contains the string 'David' Java comes with some standard class Methods. Such as follows:
String concat(String s)
int length();
char charAt(int i)
boolean equals(String s)
int indexOf(String s)
Let us have a code snippet which covers few of the above method including how to create strings.

public class MyString{
          Public static void main(String args[]){
          String n1="David"; 
          String n2= new String("MacCain");
          System.out.println("My First Name is:"+n1);//display first string
          System.out.println("My Last Name is: "+n2);//display second string
          System.out.println("Length of first name is:" +n1.length());
          System.out.println("My full name is:" +n1.concat(n2));//concatenate two string

We have been able to create two string objects, measure the length of characters and we were able to concatenate two strings in one line in the example above. Result of the above code will look like this:
My First Name is: David
My Last Name is: MacCain
Length of first name: 5
My full name is: David MacCain
Let us do some String Comparison here. If we want to compare two strings, we will not be able to use relational operators like <, >, == etc. We can use method like compareTo(), equals() to compare two strings. Here is an instance of code to expose the string comparison.

public class MyString{
         Public static void main(String args[]){
         String n1="David"; 
         String n2= new String("David");
         System.out.println("Both are same");
         System.out.println("Both are not same");
When you run above code, can you guess what would be the output? Output will be: Both are not same. Because we can not use equal sign '==' to compare two strings. If we use a compare method equals() replacing '==' sign, it might solve our problem. Let us replace if(n1==n2) with the if(n1.equals(n2)) and run the code. Yes this time we get the output: Both are same.

StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java

StringBuffer class is used to represent character that can be modified. It means StringBuffer class objects are mutable unlike Strings that we studied in previous chapter. Mostly StringBuffer is used for concatenation or manipulation of the strings. A StringBuffer implements the mutable sequence of the characters. We can create StringBuffer objects in two ways.
By using 'new' operator and passing the string to the object such as:

StirngBuffer strb = new StringBuffer("My Java");
and By allotting memory to the StringBuffer object using 'new' operator and later storing it into it such as:
StirngBuffer strb = new StringBuffer();
Here we are creating a StringBuffer empty object but not passing any string to it. StringBuffer will be created with 16 characters with default values.
StringBuffer strb = new StringBuffer(30);

What above code explains is that StringBuffer is created with 30 characters capacity. Now, is it possible to store more than 30 characters? Yes because StringBuffer has mutability feature, it can be modified. We can use append(), or insert() method to do it.

Let us have a code snippet to reflect preceding chapters.

import java.io.*;
public class MyStringBuffer{
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
       StringBuffer strb= new StringBuffer();//creates empty stringbuffer object
      BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); //input from keyboard

      System.out.print("What is you First Name: ");
      String fn = br.readLine();

      System.out.print("What is your middle name:");
      String mn = br.readLine();

      System.out.print("What is your last name:");
      String ln = br.readLine();
      //append first name and lastname
      //display only first name and last name upto this point
      //System.out.println("My name is: " + strb);

      //lets insert middle name
      int n = fn.length(); //n represent no. of characters
      strb.insert(n, mn);//insert middle name after n characters
      System.out.println("My full name is:"+ strb);//display full name now 

We have tried to append first name and last name and we were able to print out the results displaying first and last name in the monitor. Then, we realized that we'd missed the middle name. How do we append middle name, then? By using insert() method, we can append middle name as in above example code.

StringBuilder Class.
We have had StringBuilder Class only after JDK1.5 which contains same sort of features as StringBuffer Class does. StringBuilder Class is also mutable and modifiable as StringBuffer.

StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder ("David");
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder ();
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder (30);

Only difference between these two classes are StringBuffer is synchronized by default while StringBuilder is not.

Learn Java

OOPs in Java

Programmers have firmly followed Procedural oriented approach for several decades and there is sudden shift in the software industry for new approach, called OOPs (Object Oriented Programming). Fortran, Pascal, C etc. languages were procedural because these language use procedural or functions to perform a task. Languages like C++, Java are called Object Oriented Programming.

In procedural method, programmers write set of functions to achieve one task, and whenever he wants to perform new task, then he would be writing a new set functions hence there will be no reusability. If programmers can write the new modules with the help existing old modules, that would be more easy and quick. Due to these reason, a new approach of object oriented programming emerged in the computer software market.

Features of Object Oriented Programming

Class & Object in Java
Infact, whole concept of OOPs is derived from the single notion called object. An object could be anything that exists in the world and can be distinguished from others such that a person, a ball, or a dog etc. All the existing objects have their properties and they can perform some actions such as walking, rolling, barking etc. Let us take an example as an object 'David' person. David is an object and David exists physically and he's got properties like name, sex, color and David can perform actions such as talking, eating etc. Let us put it in the code snippet

String name
Char sex;
int age;

So, above properties can be similar to other objects such as Mohan who have the same characters (properties) as David. Now what we can think of is they both fall into one class called 'Person' and share the same properties. Now we can say person do not exists but David and Mohan do exist. Another example can be an Animal class and a dog, a tiger, a lion all objects from class Animal. Let us draw a code snippet for creating a class called 'Animal'.

public class Animal
    //properties of an Animal class & variables
    String name;
    int size;
    //Action done by Animal class & method
    void eat()
    {  }
    void sleep()
    {  }

Now a class model has been built with two variables (name, size) and two methods eat(), sleep(). Let us create an object out of above class Animal.

 Animal Dave = new Animal();

Encapsulation in Java:
Encapsulation (Hiding Information) is one of the important features of OOPs concepts. Booch says: "Encapsulation is the process of hiding all of the details of an object that do not contribute to its essential characteristics". Data (variables), Code (methods) in the class are binded together. Variables and methods are called 'members' of the class. If variables are declared by using java keyword 'private', this indicates that variables are only accessible within a class not outside of the class. If a method for a class is declared by using java keyword 'public', it means it is accessible from inside and out of the class. To use those private variables, only way is to go through method and outsiders will not know what is declared in the variables. Outsiders can only use and get results. Hence Encapsulation is the protective mechanism for the members of a class that helps protect sensitive data and code of the software programs.

We will declare variables as 'private'. 'private' is called access specifier which makes the members of a class not to be accessible outside the Animal Class. To access these variables we use methods which generally declared as public. Let us have a code snippet which reflects encapsulation in java. Here we build a class 'Animal' and declare its variable as private.

public class Animal
     //properties of an Animal class & variables
    private String name;
    private int size;
    //Action done by Animal class & method
    public void talk()
     System.out.println("I am a:" + name);  
     System.out.println("My size is: "+ size);

Only talk() method can access to those private variables and by calling talk() method using Animal class object, we can make Animal talk for us.

Abstraction in Java
One of the most significant features of Java is 'Abstraction'. It is a technique of choosing common features of objects and methods. There might be too much data in the class and which a user do not require all of them. So using abstraction technique, we can hide unnecessary data and retrieve only the essentials data. Let us take an example of an accountant in a bank. An accountant can view/update its customer informations such as customer name, account number, balance etc. but he/she may not be able to view/update bank's annual profit, or loss amount which is only be available to bank's managers. So these unnecessary data for an accountant are abstracted from him.

public class Bank
        //properties of a Bank class & variables
       private String name;
       private int acct;
       private double balance;
       private double profit;
       private double loss;

       public void viewAccountant()
           System.out.println("Customer Name:" + name);  
          System.out.println("Customer Account Number: "+ acct);
          System.out.println("Customer Account Balance: "+ balance);


In the above code snippet we have been able to abstract unnecessary data and made it available only necessary data to an accountant. Obviously he can not access to bank's annual profit and loss data.

Inheritance in Java
We inherit some of the physical characteristics from our parent. Some thing like that in Java programming, new class can be created by inheriting from an existing class. Newly created class is called derived class or sub-class and original class is called base class or super class. Let us have a code snippet to understand Inheritance in more details.

 public class A
       String name;
      int acct;
      public void method1()
      {  }
 public class B extends A
         double salary;
      public void method2()
     {  }

We can derive all the qualities of the members of class A to members of class B as well as we are able to define new variable for class B. Java keyword 'extends' is used to inherit Class A's characteristics to Class B. if we create an object from class B, it inherits all the members of Class A as well as of class B. Inheritance is a significant feature of java programming as it makes easy to manage code, conveniently we can create another class from existing class.

Polymorphism in Java
'Poly' meaning 'many' and 'Morphos' meaning 'forms', 'Many Forms', comes from Greek language which describes an ability to generate different many forms. Moreover, it is a technique to redefine methods for derived classes. Such as given a super class shape polymorphism allow redefining different area methods for any number of derived classes, such as circle, rectangle, and triangles. So programmer can use same method call to perform different operations.

public class AnimalTest
        public static void main(String args[])
               Animal animal = new Animal( "tiger");
              animal.talk( );
              Animal animal = new Animal( "Lion");
              animal.talk( );
              Animal animal = new Animal( "Elephant");
              animal.talk( );


In Polymorphism, a single variable can be used with different objects of related classes. We can use variable with dot (.) notation with the method() to invoke the method. Such as:

mentioned in the above example.

Classes & Objects in Java

We discussed about classes and object little bit in previous chapter. Now we will discuss more about them. An object is the instance of the class as an object is created/instantiated from a class. That is why class is called a model for objects. All the variables and methods created in the class can be inherited to the instance of the class.

class Animal
   //instance variables
   String name;
   int size;
   //actions or methods
   void talk()
       System.out.println("Animal has names");
      System.out.println("Animal has size");

We observe above that java keyword 'class' is used to create a class following with the class name. We declare instance variable and methods for the class. Since the method has void java keyword, it means no result is returned and it does not take any data from us also. Now we will create an object out of the above class.

Animal animal1 = new Animal();

Animal is the class and animal1 is object name. so 'animal1' is reference of Animal object. 'new' operator is used to create object. When object is created, it is stored in 'Heap' memory. Once object is stored, JVM creates a unique reference number called
hash code number
for the object (animal1) below. Let us create a class 'Animal' and an object 'Lion' to an Animal class. and we will make it hash code display as well.

class Animal
   //instance variables
   String name;
   int size;
   //actions or methods
   void talk()
       System.out.println("Animal has:" + name);
      System.out.println("Animal has:" + size");
class DemoClass
  public static void main(String args[])
     Animal animal1 = new Animal();
     //finding hash code of the object
     System.out.println("Hash Code is: " +animal1.hashCode());

Output of the above code snippet would be as follows:

Animal has: null (we got null value because we did not initialize instance variables)
Animal has:0 (we got null value because we did not initialize instance variables )
Hash Code is: 25669322

Using reference variables, we can refer to the instance variables and methods such as:


How to Initialize Instance variables in Java

public class DemoInitialize
    public static void main(String args[])
       Animal animal1 = new Animal(); //create Animal class object
      animal1.size = 200; //initialize variables using object reference (animal1)

Access Specifiers
Let us see how data can be overwritten if access Specifiers is not defined. We will have following code snippet:

class Animal
   String name = "Lion"; //instance variables
   int size = 150; //instance variables
   void makeNoise() {
      System.out.println("It is a :" + name);
      System.out.println("It weighs :" + size);
class DemoSpecifier
   public static void main(String args[])
      Animal animal1 = new Animal();
     animal1.name = "Tiger";
     animal1.size = 200;
     animal1.makeNoise(); //calling animal makeNoise() method

As we clearly see that we did not initialize Animal class with 'private keyword', as a result DemoSpecifier class can access these instance variables and overwrite the value. To protect from overwriting or accessing data from outsider, we use java keyword 'private'. Here is how we can declare instance variables by using 'private' key.

private String name = "Lion";
private in size = 150;

Access Specifier is the keyword that specifies how to access to the variables and methods of the class. There are four types of access specifiers in Java.
public: public access specifier cab be used from inside and outside of the class.
private: private access specifier is only accessible within same class by the methods but not accessible from outside the class from other programs.
protected: protected members of a class is accessible from inside and outside of the class but only within the same directory.
default: If no access specifier is defined, then Java will provide a default specifier which is accessible inside and outside of the class but within the same directory.

Constructor: Constructor is like method in java which is used to initialize instance variables. This is third possible ways of initializing instance variables. The only goal of constructor is to initialize instance variables.

Constructor's name should be similar to Class's name
Constructor's name should end with opening & closing braces
such as:
Animal( )
Constructor may have variables in it which is called constructor's parameters. Constructor's parameters are used to receive data from outside into the constructor. Constructor does not return value and do not use 'void'. During the creation of object, if nothing is passed to the object, the default constructor is called executed. If some values are passed to the object, then parameterized constructor is called. A Constructor is called once per object. Such as if an object is created, and constructor is called. If we create second constructor, again constructor is called. Constructor is called concurrently when an object is created. Here is a simple code snippet for constructor.
Animal(String s, int k)
Animal tiger = new Animal();//default constructor is called
Animal tiger = new Animal("Tiger", 150);
//Parameterized constructor will receive "Tiger" and size =150

Let us have code snippet with constructor.

public class Animal {
    private String name;//instance variables
    private int size; //instance variables
    //default constructor
    name = "Tiger";
      size = 150;
    void makeNoise() //actions or methods
       System.out.println("It is a :" + name);
      System.out.println("It weighs :" + size);
public class DemoAnimal 
    public static void main(String args[])
       Animal tiger = new Animal();//create a Animal object = tiger
      tiger.makeNoise();//calling makeNoise()method.
      Animal lion = new Animal();//creating another object = lion
      lion.makeNoise();//calling makeNoise() method.

Output would be:
It is a :Tiger
It weighs :150
It is a :Tiger
It weighs :150
As we noticed above that both the objects tiger and lion have same output Tiger and 150 respectively. We will resolve this problem by using parameterized constructor which takes data from outside and initialize instance variables with that data.

public class Animal 
    private String name;//instance variables
    private int size; //instance variables
    Animal()//default constructor
       name = "Tiger";
        size = 150;

    Animal(String s, int k)//parameterize constructor
       name = s;
        size = k;
    void makeNoise() //actions or methods
        System.out.println("It is a :" + name);
       System.out.println("It weighs :" + size);
public class DemoAnimal 
   public static void main(String args[])
        Animal tiger = new Animal();//default constructor is called.
       tiger.makeNoise();//calling makeNoise()method.
       Animal lion = new Animal("Lion", 180);//parameterized constructor is called
       lion.makeNoise();//calling makeNoise() method.

Output would be:
It is a :Tiger
It weighs :150
It is a :Lion
It weighs :180

So, what we understand from above code that we have parameterized constructor String s; and int k; and these parameter receive data from outside as from DemoAnimal class such as:

Animal lion = new Animal("Lion", 180);
. Now 'Lion' is copied into parameter s, and 180 pound is copied to parameter k and from there, these values are copied to original instance variables: name, and size. If we do not pass any values while creating a new object, then default constructor is called which is:
Animal tiger = new Animal();

Methods in Java

Method performs an action in Java which is a set of statements. Action is i.e. calculation, processing data etc. Method name begins with lower case i.e. sqrt() method which calculates square root value. Method contains method name, parameters, method return data type, and method body. This should look as follows.

returndatatype methodName(parm1, parm2,…)
int sqrt(int num)
When Return data type is 'void', it does not return any value and do not accept data from outside and void method comes with the pair of empty braces '()'and method never returns more than one value such as:
return x, y; 
is invalid statement
void methodName()
Method body looks as follows:
int i=a+b;
System.out.println("Total sum is:" +i);
If we want to return value then we will have statement look as follows:
int i = a+b;
return i;
Let us create a code snippet that explains methods in detail.

public class Calc1 
    private double num1, num2;//instance variables
    Calc1(double a, double b)//parameterized constructor
        num1 = a;
         num2 = b;
    double sum() //actions or methods
        double tot = num1+num2;
       return tot;
public class DemoCalc1 
    public static void main(String args[])
        Calc1 c = new Calc1(12, 12.6);//new object is created and pass values to constructor
       double x = c.sum();//calling sum()method and storing total of num1+num2 into x  

In the above example, sum() method returns the total sum and store the sum into x. and above method is called instance method as it is acting on the instance variables. Method that is not acting on the instance variables is called static method and can not access to instance variable but if variable is declared as 'static', then static method can access to static variables. Static variable is also called 'class variable' and static method is also called 'class method'.

Similarly, local variable or parameters declared inside the method can not be accessed outside the methods such as:

   //instance variable 
   private int x;
   void testMethod(int x):
In the above code, the local variable is x and only accessible within methods. Now notice that we can see above that the instance variable and local variable are conflicting as both of them are holding the same variable. How do we deal in this kind of situation? Java keyword
is used to handle this problem. 'this' keyword refers to the object of the classes where it has been used. Members of the class, instance variable, constructors, methods are referenced by 'this'.

public class Test
    private x;//instance variables
    Test()//default constructor
       this(10) //calling present class's default para constructor and pass value 10
      this.sum(); //call present class's method

    Test(int x)//parameterized constructor
       this.x = x; //present class's instance variable
    void sum() //actions or methods
       System.out.println("Sum is: " +x);
public class DemoThis 
    public static void main(String args[])
       Test T = new Test();//new object is created and pass values to constructor 

OUTPUT will be:
Sum is: 10
An object 'T' is created. Default constructor Test is executed passing value 10 to the instance variable x. Hence, present class's this.x=x; instance variable is initialized and executed giving the result = 10.

Setter & Getter Methods
Methods that work on the instance variables are called Instance Methods. Instance methods are called from the object using

and they can access instance variable as well as static variables. There are two types of Instance methods:
a) Getter or Accessor Method
b) Setter or Mutator Method
Getter or Accessor Method can only access or read instance variable whereas Setter or Mutator method can access and modify instance variable.
Let us write a code snippet to reflect setter and getter methods

public class TestSetterGetter 
     private String name;//instance variables
    private char sex;

    void setName(String name)//Setter method to store data
       this.name = name; 
    void setSex(char sex)//Setter method
       this.sex = sex; 
    String getName() //Getter methods to access or read only
       return name; 
    char getSex() //Getter methods to access or read only
       return sex; 
public class DemoThis
     public static void main(String args[])
         TestSetterGetter sg= new TestSetterGetter();//new object is created 
        sg.setName("David"); //store data
        sg.setSex('M'); //storing data

        System.out.println("Name:" +sg.getName()); //access data from object
        System.out.println("Gender:" +sg.getSex());

OUTPUT will be:
Name: David
Gender: M

How to pass primitive data to Methods?
Primitive data types such as byte, int, short, long etc can store only single value, and they can be passed to methods by values. And only a copy of those data will be passed. Which means any changes taken place inside the method will not impact to the values outside the methods.

public class TestPassValue
    int x; //instance variables
    void sum(int x)
public class DemoThis
    public static void main(String args[])
       int x =12;//primitive data
      TestPassValue pv= new TestPassValue();//new object is created 
      pv.sum(x); //call sum method and pass primitive data
      System.out.println("Sum is:" + x); //display data

OUTPUT will be:
Sum is: 12

How to pass objects to Methods?
The Class's object can also be passed to methods and return objects from the methods. Reference of the class is declared as parameter to pass object to method. As an example, let us say:

Person theMethod(Person obj1)
 return obj1;
Here theMethod() takes Person class object and Person class is declared in parameter of the method and method returns obj1. Similarly we can pass an array to methods and return arrays from the methods. Let us see how it works:
String[] myMethod(String arr[ ])
In the above code snippet, single dimensional array of String type 'arr' is passed to method 'myMethod.

Inheritance in Java

What is Inheritance in Java? Inheritance simply means to inherit the characteristics from the original class. New classes/objects can be created by inheriting few or all the members of the original class allowing the newly created class to perform exactly what the base class can perform. So Inheritance relationship is considered as transitive. 'extends' java keyword or clause is used to inherit characteristics from base class or super class to subclass or derived class.

public class Animal 
    String name;//instance variables
    int size; //
    void setName(String name)//store data
       this.name = name;
    void setSize(int size) //actions or methods
      this.size = size;
    String getName(){
       return name;
    int getSize(){
       return size;
public class Tiger extends Animal 
  int weight;//variable for only Tiger class
  void setWeight(int weight){
     this.weight = weight;
  int getWeight(){
    return weight; 

public class TestAnimal{
   public static void main(String args[]){
       Tiger t = new Tiger();
       System.out.println("Name:" + t.getName());
       System.out.println("Size:" + t.getSize());
       System.out.println("Weight:" + t.getWeight());

Super class members are always available for subclass because subclass contains a copy of super class. So the advantage of Inheritance is saving lot of space and easy to develop hence allowing to grow the productivity and efficiency. Programmer can reuse the super class's characteristics without rewriting the whole code. Java keyword 'super' is used to access to super class. If we create an object to super class, we will only be able to access super class members but not be able to access subclass object. In contrary, if an object is created to subclass, both super class members and subclass members can access to it. Super can be used to refer to super class variables as

, super class method as
, and super class constructor as

public class SuperClassOne 
    int j = 10; //super class variables
    void display()//super class method
       System.out.println("Sum is:" + j);
public class SuperClassTwo extends SuperClassOne{
    int j = 15; 
    void display() 
       System.out.println("Sum is:" +j);
      super.display();//using super to call super method
      System.out.println("Sum is:" + super.j); //to call super variable
public class TestSuperClass {
    public static void main(String args[]){
       //creating subclass object
      SuperClassTwo sct = new SuperClassTwo();

what is 'Protected Specifier'?

When private members of the super class are restricted to sub classes. When we want to access private super class member from subclass, we can use java keyword

(specifier). So protected is used in the super class to make members available directly to its sub classes.
public class Shape 
    protected double x;//protected specifier variable
    Shape(double x) //parameterized constructor
public class Square extends Shape{
    Square(double x)//calling super class Shape and send i value
    void area()
        System.out.println("Square Area:" +(x*x));
public class ShapeDemo 
    public static void main(String args[])
    Square sq = new Square(3.5);//displaying square area

There are two types of Inheritance: 
Single and Multiple Inheritance. Simply put, one super class and many sub classes is single Inheritance where as multiple super classes and one or more sub classes is Multiple Inheritance. The concept of Multiple Inheritance is true with C++ but in Java, no more Multiple Inheritance is accepted or allowed. Multiple Inheritance creates confusions amongst programmers. To accommodate Multiple Inheritance, programmers prefer using Interface such as:
Class TestClass implements interfaceOne, interfaceTwo,…
Now, TestClass can have all the members of interfaceOne, and interfaceTwo inherited to it.

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